Saturday 2 January 2010


'Photoshop, is a Media and graphics editing programme developed and published Adobe Systems. It is the current market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation software. It has been described as "an industry standard for graphics professionals" and was one of the early "Killer Applications" on the Macintosh, later also for MS windows 2'. (sourced from Google)

We decided that Photoshop was the best application to use to create our still graphic images of the kettle. With photoshop we used a number of tools for example, the clone tool, and the rubber this was to create the best effect for our image of the electric kettle re-vamp. We wanted this image to be graphic,however not too complec as it would not fit in with our 1960's theme.
To come to this final image we went through the process of building the Raw file up layer by layer, using one photo, and changing it into another image.
We decided to use the lightning bolt effect because ti gives the audience a clear idea of what is happening, including the temporal element.Its supposed to be an unexpected 'Shock' to the audience to hail them in.
We as a team have challenged usual advert conventions, this was mainly to enlighten us into using different techniques and tesing out new programmes and media, this has demonstrated to us that, new ideas can be successful.
we intended to gather audience feed back, and see what they preferred, hopefully our sequel of adverts stand out and the receivers understand the direction we are traveling in.

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