Saturday 2 January 2010


Fotomagico is the programme which we found ourselves using after much thought about how we visualised our final outcome.

This programme is designed to develop a sideshow of images into a movie format, this programme consists of Audio, Lighting effects and edits between shots... you are able to Zoom, rotate and cut your images to the music where necessary.
We are challenging usual conventions of an advert as, usually a movie is edited with sound lighting adjustments and then the audio is added later on. For us we decided to challenge these usual conventions and see how effective an advertisement would be just using still shots with all of the edits added on in this programme.
Developing the skills to enable us to use this programme was trying and we were faced with some technical hitches, for example when we had finished our adverts and sponsorship advertisement after exporting the files as a quick time movie, it then proved difficult to open the product in a programme such as Windows Movie Maker, this was because the file formats were not compatible which proved to be difficult as we had to then look for another programme t add in all of our voice overs on top.
After much research we found IMovie to be most successful.

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